
About Bret & Trachelle

As a home schooling parents of five we needed something to give us the health and energy to get the job done. We found all that and more with Zija! We have more energy and we give our kids the same amazing daily drinks while all the time making extra money and helping others find the same health benefits and financial freedom.

It’s on the News!

This is the kind of stuff that makes me even more excited about getting the word out about Moringa. There is so much out there beyond Zija doing the research and the documenting about this amazing plant. Click here to find out what others are saying such as the Discovery Channel, Sloan [...]

It’s on the News!2018-09-07T19:24:40+00:00

Not all essential oils are created equal

There are many good essential oil companies out there and the oils they sell are very good but only Améo is clinical grade. All Améo Essential Oils are CERTI-5™ validated, meaning that they’ve passed extensive testing for quality, purity, and usability. We also take additional steps to make sure that each oil is cell active and permeable [...]

Not all essential oils are created equal2018-09-07T19:24:40+00:00


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